Am I a Killer?

Are we all capable of killing? A documentary on our relationship with violence


In a society where violence forces itself on us in a variety of ways, Simonka de Jong wonders why it is that violence is terrifying to her, while it is attractive and addictive to her gaming sons.

As a child from a family of Holocaust survivors, De Jong has a complicated relationship with violence and killing. In a search to understand her relationship to this, she talks to people close to her and travels to Israel. Here she meets former soldiers, a peace activist and a shooting instructor; all people who have used violence and talk about what it has done to them. She looks at Israel's actions in Gaza with mixed feelings. How far do you go under the heading of self-defence? To what extent are victimhood and perpetration connected?

Am I a Killer? is part of a documentary series on the Ten Commandments, made by DOXY Films and EOdocs.


director • Simonka de Jong
camera • Adri Schrover NSC, Philippe Bellaiche
sound on set • Mark Wessner
editor • Noa Zevenbergen
sound design and mixing • Rob Dul
colourist • Michiel Rummens
finishing • Amator
poster- and title design • Chris Marmier
producer • DOXY Films
broadcaster NL • EOdocs
sales agent • First Hand Films
financiers • CoBO
